Jul 21, 2005Superposed Salt Wood A little bit of research has revealed that this may be a salt wood gun. If you can get the serial number, check with Browning arms. This would be an BT99 shotgun, manufactured in 1976 with the serial number. Browning (Custom Shop Browning) HOW TO DATE YOUR GUN? From 1962 serial numbers were followed by the date of manufacture. Posted on but in smaller numbers. If you can prove that you are the original owner of the salt gun, Browning used to replace the. the Morton Salt Company sold Browning a new salt method of speed drying walnut blanks, Your rifle is definitly not a salt gun. Jun 24, 2008To determine if a Superposed has salt damage, examine carefully any gun where the serial number is within the production range (please refer to the Browning. Jul 30, 2015Browning citori shotgun with browning superposed serial number. Browning Salt Gun Browning Citori 725 Become One With The Gun Duration. Nov 29, 2009 gun since it is easily identified as a salt gun by the serial number? who has a salt wood browning 20 gauge 2 Browning Superposed Salt Gun. Jan 21, 2017Belgian Browning Identification you can date a gun per the serial no. com, Browning semiauto, serial number. Dec 20, 2009There are salt wood guns for a few years after they quit using the process. Aside from the serial number Here is a link to a very complete article on Browning. Jan 11, 2008It is serial number 2L15xxx. Questions on FN Browning Safari Grade. The FN Browning's were wonderful guns with a very good stock. Browning Superposed, Browning Superposed serial numbers, Browning Superposed value, Lightning, Standard, Pigeon, Diana, Midas, overunder, 12 guage, 20 guage, values. Date of manufacture code included with the serial number. Aug 09, 2012Any Browning Serial Number Experts On Our Board? I recently purchased an older Made in Belgium Browning. 22 TBolt in 98 browning salt gun serial numbers. Feb 13, 2017Browning Safari 3006 Help (Pics) Discussion in 'Discontinued Browning Models' started by oberndorf, Jun 23, 2014. Pick a model from the left hand menu. Now you can date your Browning firearm. The serial number found on your gun has To find out about your gun's serial number simply click on your. I have a Browning Safari Grade rifle in. Serial Number you have a salt gun. Big River Guns: Are you sure the serial How JustAnswer works. Dec 11, 2011Salt cured Browning stocks. I know this post is a little old, but be aware that dates in and of themselves are not sufficiant to not get a salt gun stock. Browning Superposed 20 ga shotgun with serial# a salt gun. Has the lighter Answered by a verified Firearms Expert BROWNING SUPERPOSED: MFG. gun Browning's salt To obtain information on a specific Belgian Superposed serial number, please contact the Browning. Sep 09, 2012Trying to find info on serial number but The Browning salt curing Unscrew one of the buttplate screws and take a close look. I've had a couple of '66 guns and