Mar 04, 2015Can't install tspanel says bad number Open atv 4. 2 though is Sometimes it's ok for a while but things soon start to go wrong. openATV the Image Makers (Europa2) Change style to: Light Mar 05, 2016Morning guysgirls I've just flashed my technomate twin oe with open atv 5. 1 but i cant download any ideas cheers in advance for any help Realtime. 1 tspanel not working; Wenn dies Ihr erster Besuch hier ist, lesen Sie bitte zuerst die FAQ by durch Klicken auf den Link. 0 added popular settings servers to TSpanel addons added settings loader to TSpanel addons TSpanel oe2. 1 Iniciado Por Vmax, El da 01 de Agosto de 2015, 10: 03: 29 10: 03 anterior prximo. ERKAN BACKUP Gigablue HD Quad OPEN ATV 5. 1 MASTER MAGE: (open ATV VDEO OUTPUT AYARLARI: 1080i Multi o Sep 14, 2014OpenATV August Duration: 1: 11. Azbox Premium HD Plus Enigma 2 New Ibox Duration: 9: 29. updated [IMG Updated Openatv 5. 0 Tested and confirmed working on Zgemma 2S. mchte gerne wissen welches Tspanel Plugin geht zu Openmips 4. Philips 55 PFL5507K, Fritzbox 7490. Nov 10, 2015Bonjour, j'ai install l'image openATV 5. 1 sur mon rcepteur a mi ko8900, j'ai install le plugin Tspanel depuis lequel j'ai install cccam. Aug 30, 2015Welcome to vuplus images, open atv softcam then it stuck on boot up when i go to openatv image 5. 1 and open it up there is a long list of zips i choose. Sep 22, 2016Image Tutorial open atv softcam setup guide i'm using open atv 5. maybe this tutorial is not good for my box? Aug 05, 2014openATV Emu packs for images. Open AAF Pack emu thanks to Ten belw. oscam v6408Mgcamd v138AAF Sboxv AAAF. Feb 20, 2015Installing WiFi Dongle on Enigma2 Open ATV Receivers tvtradedave. Loading fully loaded Duration: 5: 40. OpenATV softcam feed required How do you install the softcam iPk to open atv Comment. where do you put tspanel file Comment. Jul 25, 2015NewTSpanel enigma2 plugin, everything you need for your image NewTSpanel enigma2 plugin, everything you need for your image TSpanel v7. 0 Have you tried to install TS Pane threw TS Media? 3 in one of mt MEs and have TS Panel installed and if I remember right did it threw the Desktop. Aug 01, 2017Bonsoir, je n'arrive pas a trouver la bonne version du Tspanel pour mon image Open atv 5. 1 dmo Zgemma H2 (clone je pense). 1 Backup Image For ZGemma Star 2S wivelden After reading the numerous threads on here about setting up these boxes and most people wanting Threads tagged with tspanel on the openATV Forum forums (page 1). Forum; Hilfe; Kalender Open atv 5. Sep 07, 2015Im trying 2 install TSpanel on after file over i get a message syn plugin cannot be downloaded because of a bad magic number, im running openatv 5. 1