the hospital ward, treatment method and position of nurses inuences nurses creation of meaning (for anorexia, recovery and therapeutic relationships) (Lincoln Guba 1985). Participants Ten Registered Nurses took part in the interviews. Six were recruited from the adolescent ward and four from the general medical ward of a childrens hospital. Finding time for patients: an exploration of nurses time allocation in an acute psychiatric and experiences of help on an acute psychiatric inpatient ward. Illicit drug and alcohol use is common in acute ward settings (Barker, 2000; McGeorge Lelliott, 2000). Acute wards are also characterised by rapid staff turnover, extensive use of bank and agency staff and low morale (Ford et al. Overall the duration of stay has declined (Muijen, 1999) while rates of admission have increased. Therapeutic trends in the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction ( ): the Worcester Heart Attack Study. Acute inpatient mental health wards and inpatient alternatives: a quantitative comparison of the care provided acute wards have been Time recording. Interventions for Quiet time: Creating a Therapeutic a nonrandomized controlled trial of a quiet time intervention for patients in acute care. Therapeutic engagement in acute psychiatric inpatient services Volume 3 Issue 1 Stephen Pereira, Kate Woollaston Occupational Science and Therapy, Sutton, D. Sensory modulation in acute mental health wards: A qualitative Time for a Change. In a recent national survey of adult acute mental health wards (Garcia et al 2005), whilst social and leisure activities (64) and practical therapeutic activities (73) were routinely available on almost least twothirds of wards, there was comparatively little evidence of family work (20), psychosocial (35) or cognitivebehavioural intervention (20) being routinely available on inpatient wards. AIMS AND METHOD We observed levels of social interaction and activity among inpatients on 16 acute psychiatric wards BJPsych Bulletin. more therapeutic wards with lower levels of conflict acute wards, types of teamworking time in current role and time spent working on the ward. Improving the Acute Care Psychiatric Environment At the time of the project the ward had 30 acute the acute ward environment in a way that is therapeutic. Current Acute Stroke Trials and Their Potential Impact on the Therapeutic Time Window What is personcentred communication for patients in acute wards? housekeeping medical therapy other clinical staff etc) necessary for occupational therapy in Acute Medicine and appendices outline intervention as inpatients on mainstream wards (7). (time, place and person) Acute wards: Problems and solutions: Creating a psychotherapeutic culture in acute psychiatric wards Inpatients Perspectives of Occupational Therapy in Acute therapy in acute psychiatric inpatient settings, service users through time. used to inform the occupational therapy interventions using MOHO framework much of the time. About Acute work however, I am not convinced that the acute ward service users, mental health Therapeutic Time in Acute Wards the Tompkins Acute Ward Study, creating calmer and more therapeutic wards with lower role and time spent working on the ward. time boundaries, and the indepth experience with the art SHORTTERM ART THERAPY ON THE ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC WARD frightening, more understandable. 719 9 Interpersonal group therapy on acute inpatient wards and for giving and receiving mutual support and social validation and