Examination Specifications English Communicative Code No 101. pdf Free Download Here EXAMINATION SPECIFICATIONS English Communicative Code No. Division of Syllabus for Term I (AprilSeptember) Total Weightage Assigned Summative Assessment I Section Marks Class X SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ENGLISH Code No. 101 (COMMUNICATIVE) Section A Reading Q1. VSA (1 mark each) Read the following passage carefully 4 SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER CLASS X SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ENGLISH Code No. 101 (COMMUNICATIVE) TIME: 3 Hrs MM: 80 The Question paper is divided into four sections. ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101)CLASS IX ( )SECTIONWISE WEIGHTAGE IN ENGLISH Weightage 80AReading Skills20BWriting S. ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101) SYLLABUS Summative Assessment ( ) CLASS X SECTION WISE WEIGHTAGE IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Section Total Weightage 90 Secondary School Syllabus and Examination Specification of English Code No. 101 for class 9 and 10 Under NSQF Code No. 101 88 ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101) SYLLABUS Summative Assessment ( ) CLASS X SECTION WISE WEIGHTAGE IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Section Total Weightage 90 1 1. 101 CLASS IX EXAMINATION SPECIFICATIONS Division of Syllabus for Term II (OctoberMarch) Total Weightage Assigned tanishabiology. com ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101) SYLLABUS Summative Assessment ( ) CLASS X SECTION WISE WEIGHTAGE IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE 1 English Communicative Code No 101 CLASS X Book PDF A N D H R A U N I V E R S I T Y 3 A N D H R A U N I V E R S I T Y B. Degree Examination, 200 21 ENGLISHCOMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101) (2017 2018) This is a twoyear syllabus for classes IX and X. The CBSE has prepared a package for this Class X SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT II ENGLISH Code No. 101 (COMMUNICATIVE) Set B Marking Scheme MM: 70. 81 EXAMINATION SPECIFICATIONS English Communicative Code No. 101 CLASSX From the Academic Year 2013 14 Division of Syllabus for Term I (AprilSeptember) T otal. 101 CLASS X EXAMINATION SPECIFICATIONS Division of Syllabus for Term I (AprilSeptember) Total Weightage Assigned 81 ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE (Code No. 101) Summative Assessment (SA) ( ) CLASS IX SECTION WISE WEIGHTAGE IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Section Total Weightage 90 1 1. 101 class x examination specifications division of syllabus for term i (aprilseptember) total weightage Page 1 1 1. 101 CLASS IX EXAMINATION SPECIFICATIONS Division of Syllabus for Term II (OctoberMarch) Total Weightage Assigned. 1 English Communicative Code No. 101 CLASS IX Division of Syllabus for Term I (AprilSeptember) Total Weightage Assigned Summative Assessment I 30 1 sample question paper class ix[2011 summative assessment ii english code no. class x summative assessment ii english code no. 101 (communicative) set b mm: 70. Division of Syllabus for Term II (OctoberMarch) Total Weightage Assigned