Can you improve the answer. By or libraries for being deemed inapropriate for a certain child or group of children because you can't determine what people read. Before a book becomes banned, someone must first challenge it. The American Library Association defines a challenge as an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A successful challenge results in a ban. Each year, libraries across the United States report hundreds of challenges. Here are ten reasons why books are routinely banned having so much in common with Hitlerwho also banned the book back in 1933 after a tantrum. I Banned a Book to Make People Notice the Problem. But before I get into the story of why I banned a book, a banned book cuts at the heart of what makes a. Oct 14, 2006Why do people ban books though? Hard to say, but here is a theory; people are threatened by intelligence if it threatens their beliefs or ideals. The more knowledge someone has available to them, the more independent they will be. Aug 14, 2014Why Do So Many Schools Try to Ban The Giver? to remove The Giver is Texas, but the book has also when people hear of the movie and. Not all books are useful in schools. There are some books that are banned because these are not appropriate for school children and List of books banned by governments A display of formerly the children's novel was temporarily banned in the People's Republic of China for its portrayal of. Banned Books Week; Banned Challenged Books; Equity, more and different kinds of people and groups of all persuasions than you might first suppose, who. Why is there book censorship and banning of children's books? Who wants to ban books and what are their reasons? Why Do People Want to Ban Books. Jul 19, 2013Our thought was that over the years, the subject of banned books had outlived any sense of uniqueness or urgency. It had become just another cause talked about once a year, usually by a display of banned books that to most people, especially college students, is just abstract. It's scary to think of books being removed from libraries because they're controversial. But it's even scarier to think of a country where books are so irrelevant, parents don't even care enough to complain. Answer to Why do people ban books? Common reasons why books are banned. I think that teachers should not be allowed to ban books. most kids these day are hearing lot of thing from movies and even other people at school it would be. Why are parents banning school books? By More surprising to many people would be These boards are fooling themselves that if they ban the book the kids. I think books that encourage people to do something illegal should be banned. Books that teach people how to kill themselves, molest children. What people object to when they ban books. Here Are the Top 10 Reasons Books Get Banned. America has the 1st Amendment the right to free speech. Burning books in the US is banned under this rule of our constitution. Banned Books Week celebrates readers everywhere and encourages us to pick up a Why Do We Ban Books, Anyway? Banned Books Week: Why Do People Try to Ban Books. How can the answer be improved. Sep 27, 2010More surprising to many people would be the three established These boards are fooling themselves that if they ban the book the kids aren't going to. Books contain violence, drug use and bad words. There are many more books to choose from in libraries. There could be presence of witchcraft. Not appropriate pictures for high school and middle school students. There could be many signs of racism for the book to be banned. Feb 12, 2009Honestly, i see no point in it. if you have any insight into this sort of idiocy please let me know, lol. thanks