Some of the construction issues include workforce considerations, safety, time constraints, and the changing nature of the work. Nonconstruction challenges that construction industry faces that are part of the business landscape include legal issues, government regulations, environmental concerns, and sociopolitical pressures. Africa is facing challenges in the Construction Industry despite it being the fastest developing continent and the construction industry is an area of focus and has. IDENTIFYING CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMSOLVING PATTERNS OF intellectual assets and solving the engineering problems for construction industry. Are the same skeptical perceptions present in the electrical design and construction or observed construction industryrelated acts or issues put the industry. Construction companies can face hurdles come tax time, thanks to Internal Revenue Service regulations that affect how revenue can be reported and how deductions are. The construction industry has been afflicted by such problems for decades. Since 1995 the global average valueadded per hour has grown at around a quarter of the rate in manufacturing. According to McKinsey, a consultancy, no industry has done worse. Your biggest construction problems solved, The 10 Biggest Problems in Construction Solved. There is a big problem facing the construction industry. In a world filled with individuals and corporations who have become lawsuit happy, it can be extremely challenging to keep up with the complicated and ever. Industry Info Trends; 6 Common Construction Problems and to provide possible solutions to these problems. In general, the Construction Agreement you have. Construction projects can suffer from preventable financial problems. The average earning for a professional in the construction industry in the Middle East. Staff shortages, a weak pound and a potential technological uprising are just some of the issues the construction industry is set to face in 2017, according to One Way. The Australian construction industry has had a lot of negative media attention of late. Here we discuss some of the issues. The construction industry continues to face issues combatting their adverse effect on the environment as they produce 2540 of the worlds carbon emissions. As these problems become more at the forefront of the global agenda, they will have to make changes. Table 1: Construction Industry Problems Current level of severity Number Construction Industry Problems Very low 1 Low 2 Quite severe 3 Severe 4 Highly severe 5 1. Poor image reputation 1 2 3 4 5 3. Competitive tendering procedures 1 2 3 4 5 4. Challenges Facing Todays Construction Manager There are numerous challenges facing todays construction manager. construction issues include workforce. Due to the nature of my profession, I tend to speak to all types of companies in the construction industry; at the moment, some are reasonably busy and have many. Despite a rise in production last year, the construction industry is still likely to make a sluggish recovery. Disappointing results drag down share price by 20 as construction company admits it is struggling with a large About 1, 583 results for Construction industry. Considering environmental issues in construction and life cycle, some only focus on evaluation of products in terms of waste disposal. Underlying challenges in productivity, profitability, performance, labor, and sustainability could derail the construction industrys growth. Construction industry news, 10 construction industry trends to watch in 2016 for violations and offenses from worker safety issues to corruption.