Watch videoRevealed: The OTHER Mona Lisa. Second portrait of a woman is spotted under da Vinci's masterpiece. Multispectral scanning reveals three different paintings beneath. Directed by Caroline Cocciardi. With Richard Genhardt, Cinzia Mandati Li Bassi. com: Mona Lisa Revealed: Secrets of the Painting: Mona Lisa, Caroline Cocciardi: Movies TV Lisa del Giocondo Digital scans reveal Mona Lisa secrets The results were revealed at an exhibition at the Metreon Centre in San Francisco. Speculations about Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci, Furthermore, this reflectography revealed that Mona Lisa's hair is not loosely hanging down. Vitruvian Man The Last Supper Tourists admire the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. With just one photo you go deeper into the construction of the painting and understand that Leonardo was a genius, French engineer Pascal Cotte said at the time of the projects completion. The scan revealed a number of facts about the Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa Revealed: The True Identity of Leonardo's Model [Giuseppe Pallanti on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Lumiere Technology, a startup based in Paris, reveals the true colors of the Mona Lisa. Pascal Cotte, engineer and founder of Lumiere Technology, largely. Giuseppe Pallanti, a teacher from Florence who has spent 25 years researching the city's archives, has discovered the first clear evidence that da Vinci's family was closely connected to the silk trader, Ser Francesco del Giocondo, who married Lisa Gherardini in 1495. He has been praised by other scholars for helping to solve the Mona Lisa mystery. The Mona Lisa's smile is so enigmatic because it vanishes when it is directly looked at, a US scientist says. Lady with an Ermine It is the enigmatic smile that has fascinated and baffled art lovers for centuries. But scientists now believe they could have discovered why the Mona Lisa looks so. Dec 08, 2015After analyzing DaVincis Mona Lisa for 10 years, French scientist Pascal Cotte is claiming that he has discovered a portrait underneath the famous. Jan 15, 2008The identity of the Mona Lisa may have been solved after German researchers claimed to have put a name to her face. Dec 02, 2013The exhumation of three bodies from a Florentine crypt may have brought Italian researchers a step closer to confirming the identity of the woman believed. Dec 12, 2010Identity of Mona Lisa revealed, researchers say. 15 Jan 2008 While in the arch of the bridge in the background the number 72 can be seen. David Research in 2008 by a geomorphology professor at Urbino University and an artistphotographer revealed likenesses of Mona Lisa ' s landscapes to some views in the. The face of Mona Lisa appears slightly wider and the smile is different and the eyes are different, Cotte said. The smile is more accentuated I would say. [Why Does Mona Lisa's Smile Change? A zoomedin image of Mona Lisa's left eye revealed a single brush stroke in the eyebrow region, Cotte said. Ms Soest believes that Mona Lisa was in fact the Duchess of Forli and Imola, born Caterina Sforza, and has unearthed a contemporary picture painted in 1487 by Italian artist Lorenzo di Credi to prove it. The German daily newspaper Bild Zeitung published a montage of the two portraits yesterday revealing striking similarities. An earlier portrait of the Mona Lisa has been found under the existing painting using reflective light technology, according to a French scientist. Never one to be satisfied with conventional camera techniques, inventor Pascal Cotte devised a tool that enabled him to digitally photograph the Mona Lisa at 240. Mona Lisa Revealed has 18 ratings and 6 reviews. Deborah said: In un tempo di strampalate invenzioni alla Dan Brown, e' bello e piu' avvincente leggere u Mona Lisa Revealed. Secrets Of The Painting 2008 Distributed by Microcinema DVD, 1636 Bush St. , Suite# 2, SF, CA;