Here you can download srb2 character wads shared files: SRB2 MY List Of Characters WADS 2. 26 MB SRB2 My List of Characters WADS 1 4shared. com 750 KB free from TraDownload. SRB2 version Character PlayerName PicName SkinName Status PlayerText In some character WADs, you might see the attribute MenuPosition in the OBJCTCFG. Attributes of OBJCTCFG SRB2 version. Determines which SRB2 version that the Character WAD is designed for. Here you can download srb2 md2 shared files: SRB2 Midis. com SRB2 Tunes SRB2 My List of Characters WADS 1. You are at the home of all of the pony characters that I have made for SRB2. Download links for all of them are below. This forum is for character releases. Powered by vBulletin Version 3. There are three playable characters in SRB2. Each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, and end up balancing themselves up both in. I decided to create a Wad where you can get some characters for SRB2. Download free for Srb2 Character Wads or search any related Srb2 Character Wads However, not all boss acts feature an egg capsule, and end the level shortly after defeated. The most current version of Sonic Robo Blast 2 has seven different zones, some still not yet complete. At the character select screen, players choose between one of three characters: Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles. Tanicfan22's Site SRB2 Wads Welcome to Tanicfan22's Site. DICA: Em seu navegador de internet, para achar alguma wad de forma fcil, basta iniciar o campo de busca de seu navegador, para isso, segure a tecla CTRL e aperte a tecla F, se houver a wad o navegador marcar aonde tem os mesmos, se no houver, certifiquese de ter digitado corretamente, ou ento talvez no teremos a wad disponvel, voc tambm pode pedir para a gente uma wad no. Jan 27, 2014Srb2 Wads MaskedMetaKnight4; 66 videos; 1, 048 views; Last updated on Jan 27, 2014; Play all Share. Srb2 Mystic Realm Final Boss Mystic Realm Zone. 1 MB; May 28th, 2017; md5: Mirror 1. Patches Sonic Robo Blast 2 v Patch. Contains only the files that have changed since the last release. Requires at least version to run. If you have a version earlier than, please download the above installer first. The SRB2 Skybase is a rather small community for various things. Home; Members; Rules; Blog; Contact Me; Really this website is for SRB2(Sonic Robo Blast 2) This character it meant purely to enhance the enjoyment. 1; About; Character Wad Level Wad Downloads; All Games Site; SRB2 Stuff. SRB2 is closely inspired by the original Sonic games. I'm not sure all of the people who made these, I don't know how. So if you're able to claim these, I'll give you full credit. Put the WAD files in the SRB2 Directory Load up SRB2 When on the title screen (before the menu options) press the Tilde Key Type in addfile filename. SRB2 Stuff Character Wad Downloads Posts And Notices SRB2 2. 1; About; Character Wad Downloads; Wallpapers; Mod Wad Downloads; Level Wad Downloads; All Games. Jan 21, 2012tous mes wad characters regrouper dans cette vido commenter et aimez SVP lien wad: link. While SRB2 isn't fully from the menu UI to the way the game displays your character. actually organize multiple SOC scripts into WAD files,