Fundamental Supplementary Rules Central Civil There are a total of 130 Fundamental Rules staring from Fundamental Rule 1 (FR1) to Fundamental Rule. fundamental rules supplementary rules (fr sr). pay rules leave rules ta rules pension rules. Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Part I These Fundamental Rules have since became more of obsoletehistoric in nature and have been taken over by the. Compilation of the fundamental rules and supplementary rules made by the President, including orders, etc. , issued by the Federal Government auditor general, etc by. fundamental rules supplementary rules (fr sr). pay rules leave rules ta rules pension rules. Related Book Ebook Pdf Fundamental Rules And Supplementary Rules: Home Creatures Of A Day And Other Tales Of Psychotherapy Creatures Great Small And Strange. in Buy Swamy's Compilation of Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules FRSR Part I General Rules book online at best prices in India on Amazon. FUNDAMENTAL RULES: SUPPLEMENTARY RULES. There are a total of 130 Fundamental Rules staring from Fundamental Rule 1 (FR1) to Fundamental Rule 130 (FR130). 1 The Supplementary Rules apply to those Government servants only who are governed by the Fundamental Rules and their pay is debitable to the Federal. compilation of the fundamental rules supplementary rules volumeii applicable to the federal civil servants in. There are a total of 335 Supplementary Rules staring from (FR1) to Supplementary Rule which have been made by the President under various Fundamental Rules. INSTITUTE OF SECRETARIAT TRAINING MANAGEMENT 1 NOTES ON FUNDAMENTAL RULES SUPPLEMENTARY RULES (FRSR) Fundamental Rules (FRs) are the set of general rules by. The fundamental rules and supplementary rules by Shailendra Kumar Awasthi, 2003, Dwivedi Law Publications edition, in English 2nd ed. Supplementary Rules General Rules, TA Rules, Central. Rules Rules Rules on running of Departmental Canteens in Central Govt. 1 FUNDAMENTAL RULES PAY FIXATIONS Presentation By J. There are a total of 130 Fundamental Rules staring from Fundamental Rule 1 (FR1) to Fundamental Rule 130 (FR130). The list of all these 130 Fundamental Rules. compilation of the fundamental rules supplementary rules volume i applicable to the federal civil servants in. Oct 05, 2016Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules Part I FR 1 Introduction to Fundamental Rules FR 2 Applicability of. Note These Fundamental Rules have since became more of obsoletehistoric in nature and have been taken over by the CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 AP SERVICE RULES LEAVE RULES. FUNDAMENTAL RULES OF ANDHRA PRADESH GOVERNMENT or Rule 7of Andhra Pradesh Leave Rules, 1933. DIVISION 1 EXTENT OF APPLICATION Department who are under the rule making control of the under the Fundamental Rules and Supplementary. Manuals and Records held for discharging functions Establishment Administration Manual Fundamental Rules Supplementary Rules