Glock Model 26, 9mm caliber, serial numbers DGU, DHR DKU. 40SW caliber, serial numbers DGD, DGV, DHS, DHT, DKV, DKW, DKX. Don Bulver, warranty department of Glock, Inc. , indicated the recoil springs produced before September 1999 may shear off on some of these pistols due to over hardness of the support tube. Dec 20, 2012Is there a website to check dates of a glock using the serial number? Also trying to confirm a gun is in fact OD from factory. Glock serial numbers and dates Apr 26, 2013glock date of manufacture, glock dating, glock serial number build date, glock serial number chart, glock serial number decoder, glock serial numbers by year Glock serial lookup, glock serial number chart, glock serial number decoder, glock serial number lookup, glock serial number search, topglock dating htm. The upgraded system is applicable only to Glock pistols with the following serial number ranges: Glock 17 alpha prefixes AA WF Glock 19 alpha prefixes through WJ. Readers asked if its possible to make Glock Serial (Barrel) Number Lookup to check the production date automatically. Check production date of your Glock handgun using automatic Glock Serial (Barrel). The upgraded system is applicable only to Glock pistols with the following serial number ranges: Glock 17 alpha prefixes AA WF Glock 19 alpha prefixes through WJ Jan 20, 2014Does anyone know how to find info about a Glock from it's serial number? Glock Serial Number is for decoding proof mark dates, not serial number. Glock Serial Number Information By Jack Burton. Glock also made pistols for special occasions and they would have unique serial numbers. Mar 22, 2008Fav Glock 2 taking off from all glock serial number decoder, glock serial number lookup, glock serial numbers, kimber serial number lookup. Jun 27, 2014Need some Glock expert input. Planning on trading tomorrow with a gent for a G36. I'm finding what I find to be lessthandefinitive info out there glock 22 serial number decoder, glock 22 serial number decoder. pdf document, pdf search for glock 22 serial number decoder Jan 14, 2010decoding serial numbers Discussion in 'The Anyway I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about it by the serial number. Jul 04, 2016I read the great thread on serial numbers and unable to follow the last glock serial number decoder, glock serial number decoder. pdf document, pdf search for glock serial number decoder Feb 13, 2014Is there a quickeasy way to search for Glock date of manufacture by serial number. Jun 28, 2014Need some Glock expert input. Planning on trading tomorrow with a gent for a G36. I'm finding what I find to be lessthandefinitive info out there Oct 29, 2002glock 17 gen 2 serial number chart, glock 22 serial number decoder, glock identification chart, glock serial number chart, glock serial number decoder Nov 29, 2011A Bit of Serial Number Info Basic Numbers AA000 was the start of the serial numbers. glock serial number decoder, glock serial number lookup. According to company literature, the first Glock pistols imported into the U. These guns had serial numbers beginning with a two letter. Feb 21, 2012help with glock serial numbers. Discussion in 'Glock Forum' started by nnola1, Nov 30, 2011. Planning on trading tomorrow with a gent for a G36. I'm finding what I find to be lessthandefinitive info out there that the gun may. esky english: Here you can solve production date of your GLOCK. WARNING: don't enter code from pistol's serial number, but code from barrel!