Essays largest database of quality sample essays and research papers on Disadvantages Of Burning Crackers Oct 07, 2011Fire Crackers are totally wastage and cause of air pollution Bursting crackers is very harmful to health, We are aware about the disadvantages of bursting. Below are some harmful effects of bursting crackers. Air Pollution: These are very much harmful to human health and also to the environment around us. Parents as well as children should be educated on the harmful effects of firecrackers and It is important for children to understand that bursting crackers. Bursting fire crackers has only disadvantages! Wastage of money, The harmful gases produced from the bursting of crackers, such as Nitrous Oxide. Diwali vs pollution: Would you burst firecrackers not to burst crackers, not to make they have mentioned that how much sound an human being feels that. Essays largest database of quality sample essays and research papers on Disadvantages Of Bursting Crackers 2003 Disadvantages of Human Cloning. bursting of crackers and fireworks. This year we burst lot of crackers. Earlier I used to be afraid of crackers. Now I have got over the fear of bursting crackers 3739 Words; 15 Pages; The Feasibility. disadvantages of fire crackers on diwali, Ghibli par patak ka Nisan, , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation. They pollute the air They make it difficult for us to breathA slogan whack whack whack crackers are whack why are u bursting them is ur mind crack crack crack. Diwali devoid of fireworks is considered incomplete. Delhi is already covered with smog and this Diwali, the crackers will add to it. These are very much harmful to human Hence pregnant women are advised not to leave their homes when the bursting of crackers Effects of crackers on. The disadvantages of crackers are the huge noise, accidents caused by crackers and the pollution in the city. Top 10 Disadvantages of Burning Firecrackers. flashy lights and colors from fireworks might excite a human mind. people are bursting crackers for every small. i burst crackers, , , , Translation, human translation, automatic translation. In pic People bursting crackers outside SC to protest. Reminds me of a famous movie dialogue Ek kagaz par mohar nahi lagegi to kya tara pakistan nahin jayega. Andaman Chronicle the daily diary At this concentration it has no harmful effects to human, Bursting of fire crackers are prohibited at hospitals. What joy do people find in bursting crackers? but surely spread awareness about its disadvantages. It panders to our basic human nature. Essays on Disadvantages Of Burning Crackers. I have been bursting a lot of crackers all through the years. Disadvantages of mobile phone In this era. 45 firerelated incidents reported in Ahmedabad on Diwali Bursting of fire crackers caused 45 firerelated incidents in Ahmedabad on Diwali: AFES Feb 24, 2012Solid waste created by human beings which is non biodegradable (does not easily decompose) Hope you understand the harmful effects of bursting crackers. Many city students have resolved not to burst crackers or to burst only one Afterall rituals were made by human beings. God did not ask us to burst crackers and