The Heritage Act 1977 (NSW) also provides for the conservation of environmental heritage items in New South Wales. Heritage Act Review Panel comment on the review of the Heritage Act 1977. The EDO recognises the importance of heritage to the people of NSW. Part 1 Preliminary 1 Name of Act This Act may be cited as the Heritage Act 1977. 2 Commencement (1) Section 1 and this section shall commence on the date of assent. You can view the amended Heritage Regulation 2005 relating to section 170 of the Heritage Act 1977 at the NSW Government legislation website. nsw is a onestopshop for NSW Government books, A Review Of The NSW Heritage Act 1977 Publications Agriculture Fisheries Archives Records Development Application (DA) Exemption Heritage Works of the NSW Heritage Act 1977, Development Application (DA) Exemption Heritage Works. PDF Local government is primarily responsible for managing local heritage items in NSW, NSW Heritage Register by the NSW Heritage Council under the Heritage Act 1977. permit application s140 heritage act nsw 1977 archaeological assessment, research design, excavation methodology heritage impact statement Heritage role; Print this page proposals may require application under the NSW Heritage Act 1977, additional to other statutory approvals and permits. PERMIT APPLICATION s140 Heritage Act NSW 1977 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, RESEARCH DESIGN, HERITAGE IMPACT STATEMENT Natalie Blake and Martin Carney Heritage Act 1977 No 136 New South Wales Historical version for to (generated on at 15: 22) An Act to conserve the environmental heritage of the State. Heritage Act 1977 No 136; Status information Long title; Part 1 Preliminary. 1 Name of Act; 2 Commencement; 3 Objects; 4 Definitions; 4A Heritage significance; 5 Act. Heritage Act 1977 No 136 New South Wales Historical version valid from to (generated on at 12: 29) An Act to conserve the environmental heritage of the State. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Port Authority is required to maintain a Heritage and Conversation Register under Section 170 of the NSW Heritage Act 1977 (the S170 Register). Trove: Find and get New South Wales. Historic sites Law and legislation New South Wales. Skip to content Skip to search. Heritage Act 1977 CRITERIA FOR LISTING ON THE STATE HERITAGE REGISTER The State Heritage Register is established under Part 3A of the Heritage Act (as Following the adoption of amendments to the Heritage Act 1977in 1999, heritage management in NSW is now a twotiered system where: NSW Heritage Act 1977 New South Wales Consolidated Acts HERITAGE ACT 1977 SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 1 (as if it had not been amended by the Heritage Amendment Act 1998 ). New South Wales Consolidated Acts HERITAGE ACT 1977 As at 18 October 2017 Act 136 of 1977 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1. Heritage restricted properties are recognised under two different Acts for rating and taxing purposes. The Office of Environment and Heritage holds